Frankenstein (1931) Movie Reaction
Mar 17, 2024
I watched Frankenstein (1931) for the first time as part of a Universal Classic Monsters 30-film horror movie marathon.
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I’m watching the entire Universal Classic Monsters 30-Film Collection, from Dracula (1931) through The Creature Walks Among Us (1956). This is the first time I’ve seen any of these movies in their entirety, so every film I watch is a first-time viewing!
In the movie reaction videos, I first watch the movie, briefly comment after it’s over, and then highlight my top three scenes.
The second movie I watched in the collection was Frankenstein (1931). Frankenstein is probably my favorite of all the Universal monsters. Boris Karloff is fantastic as the Monster, and the gentleman who played Baron von Frankenstein stole every scene he was in with his humorous lines.
Check out my previous reaction video for Dracula!
Check out the Mystery Supply Co. YouTube channel for more vintage horror and sci-fi-themed pop culture content!
Whispers From The Crypt
Blog posts on vintage horror, science fiction, pulps, comics, pin-ups and numerous other oddities from the fringes of pop culture!

Dracula (1931) Movie Reaction Video
Mar 3, 2024
I posted a Dracula (1931) movie reaction as part of a Universal Classic Monsters 30-film horror movie marathon.